Prior to the annual Airshow of the Royal Netherlands
Air Force, the 'Open Days', we had an incredible opportunity to fly with
some of the participating aircraft of the RNLAF. This was another photomission
were we teamed up with Frank Crébas of Bluelife Aviation. and of
course he invited some extra friends for us.... |
Our first guest, under perfect weather conditions
was an L-39 of Skyline Aviation, looking absolutely georgeous... what a
nice way to start the day! Skyline is a major contractor for the RNLAF,
their L-39's fly a lot of missions for them as 'enemy' , 'target towing'
etc. Our join-up was scheduled over one of the most beautifull parts of
the Netherlands; up North and flying along the coastline, great great great! |
Our second guest was the demo F-16, the wellknown
“Dutch Lion” is the bright orange colours. It was our first
photoshoot with 'Hitec' , the new displaypilot and what a show he gave us...
smoke and flares!! It's a challenge to get a good shot with some flare action,
but I think we all succeeded in capturing this amazing private airshow for
us. |
The spare jet was also there, and no time to waste
in this adrenaline rush. Altough 'Spout' has limited fuel reserve, he came
to say hello in the classic Hunter! It still is one of the most gracefull
jets out there; unfortunately we only had a few minutes with the Hunter
but our next treat was there already! |
The 'Orange Jumper' testbed F-16BM had been on
our wishlist for a while, and Frank Crébas invited him to play a
nice game with the Skyvan photoship trying out new angles and just keep
shooting flares... whoohoow, and we thought we were already so spoiled by
now. We first were treated with a unique formation with the Hunter, before
we go a very actionfull presentation. Yeah, that 'Viagra Boom' is quite
photogenetic !! Very cool show again, and the background of the famous Vlieland
Shooting Range was yet another plus. |
No, it was not over yet... our next adventure
was the traditional low pass over the shooting range: we made two passes
along the tower to say hello, in style of course! And our last guest was
waiting; the Coastguard wanted to have some cool pictures too, so we gave
their Dornier 228 all the time and most of all a very scenic ride along
the Dutch coastline. |
We made a special photo pass over their headquaters
in Den Helder, and our two flyby's over Schiphol Airport were memorable
for sure! As they are very active in pollution control, the Dornier trailed
us when we flew over Rotterdam Harbour... and no mission is complete without
a photo of Scheveningen beach! |
On our way home to Belgium we had another unexpected
chance to capture our own Skyvan photoship, we flew actually with the two
Skyvans a formation towards the airfield of Schaffen-Diest, our final destination.
Many many THANKS for these unforgettable days to all the people involved
in these photoflights. I believe our Air2Air Academy photographers who
joined us on these missions got a lot more than they had hoped and dreamed
for... so did we!! |