Heritage Flight
Anatolian Eagle
RNLAF Opendays
Danish Airshow
Belgian Air Force Days
Yeovilton Air Day
31 Tigers
Sanicole Airshow


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The Aviation PhotoCrew was privileged to have for the first time an extensive corporation with the Danish Air Force, on the occasion of their bi-annual airshow. The location was their main fighter base Skrydstrup, we would fly the Skyvan photoship from the nearby Sonderborg airfield. The photo area we had chosen was along the coastline, to include some of the beautiful backdrop Denmark has to offer.

With a team of photographers joining us from Poland, Germany, UK, Romania and Denmark, we welcomed as first photo subjects the Hellenic F-16’s demoteam ‘Zeus’. The colours on the demo aircraft are absolutely stunning. More F-16 action awaited us from the Belgian team, demopilot ‘Gizmo’ saved again a bunch of flares for the pictures! The new Danish demo F-16 came to say hello as well, adorned with a special tail…looks good with a flare or two!

The Cougar helicopter from the Swiss Air Force flews directly from Switzerland and showed up behind the Skyvan photoship tack sharp on time. We had the opportunity to see one of the few local civilian jets in the shape of an L-29 Delfin. That other shapes, the Dutch Black Shapes were present again, after seeing them just recently in Dutch airspace it was another happy encounter.

A new major jet team for us as well, super excited to get a few flybys from the Spanish Air Force Aguilas. Unfortunately the Turkish Stars had to cancel their photo flybys due to weather, so they remain on the bucket list. The aircraft winning the prize for still making it to the photoship just in time for 1 minute of pictures was the Broussard, it was hard work for those pilots at their slow speed to finally show up behind us, but we managed in the end!

The Harvards of the Swedish Historic Flights presented us with a three-ship with smoke, fantastic flying….and we were in for another delicious treat from the Swedish Air Force Historic Flight: a photopass of the iconic two seater Saab Draken!

Seeing a Mig-29 is a supercool thing, giving the fact that it remains difficult to set up a photoshoot with the aircraft, as they are very often on short fuel when flying to an airshow. So having the chance to see not 1, but 2 Mig-29’s of the Polish Air Force was a spectacular moment…..for 15 minutes!!! Lots of smoke and lots of pictures were produced ?

Usually the photographers biggest wish is to see military jets or warbirds, and we got a big share of that again, but the highlight of the Danish adventure was the home team called the Chip Chaps. Normally those guys fly a 4-ship of Chipmunks, for our photoflight they came with 3 aircraft. This flying was just so majestic, easy going, with the airfield of Sonderborg and surroundings as the perfect backdrop for a set of truly magnificent photos.

When we return to Denmark in 2018, the guys have promised us to show the 4-ship in the same way!


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