What could we possibly write to introduce the
Sanicole Airshow to you...? Well, nothing! Sanicole is one of the few airshows
in this world that doesn't need an introduction anymore. All the famous
and wellknown airshowacts and displayteams have at least once performed
here and the event is loved and respected the world over. |
The airshow was this year in September for the
first time; the new date turned out to be a fantastic move, as we had more
visitors than ever before! Another great advantage was the possibility to
turn the show into the 'Tiger' airshow, and present the audience all the
excitement of the nearby NATO Tigermeet, hosted during the same period at
KB Airbase. So our PhotoCrew had a lot of chance to fly with the tigerbirds. |
But of course we had a lot of fun with our homeboys
as well! Jerome was our photopilot in the Red Yak-52 of Yakkes foundation,
and Hanno Wesdorp flew his T-6 on a number of photomissions. And what the
biggest fun....being photographed yourself I guess! So we organised a photosession
to get pictures of our photoships. |
The Royal Jordanian Falcons are longtime visitors to Sanicole
airshow, and they did a big effort this year to stay one week longer in
Europe and so ending their European tour on our airfield. It gave us a chance,
under perfect evening light, to capture the team as never before behind
the Skyvan. |
Fast action now, provided to you by 'Mitch' in
his Belgian demo F-16, always a true pleasure to fly with the Belgian Air
Force. Last year the weather was kinda horrible but this time it was bingo
with superb light. From this photoseries we also selected a picture to grace
the cover of the 2009 Sanicole Airshowbook ( which is sold out ). |
And we really had a lot of great fast jet action this year.
For the first time we had a participation of the Hungarian Air Force,
sending this Saab Gripen. It was our shortest photo join-up so far, after
the airshow rehearsal the JAS-39C posed behind the Skyvan for just 2 minutes
and 56 seconds...but it was more than enough to get some very cool results.
Ivo 'Scatman' would kill us if we don't include
him in this report, so here he his! For many years he's promoting Red Bull
with his paramotor team and this year was no exception. Always present,
always talking, always crazy ideas, always fun....ooh and the girl in the
picture is Melissa Pemberton, a stuntpilot from the USA and another premiere
for the airshow ( and yes, she is already taken.... ) |
Our PhotoCrew was very spoiled this year.....yes
we know we are lucky. Giel ( you know that photographer of 17 years... )
got an exclusive opportunity to capture the unqiue duo of the Dutch F-16
, the famous 'Orange Lion' flown by Ralph 'Sheik' Aarts, and the Red Yak....with
Sheiks father in the backseat as the ultimate surprise: yes, aviation can
be very beautifull. For Soetkin we had two delicious Czech Mil Mi-24 Hinds,
and the photoflight was quite a challenge as these helicopters are really
fast...almost too fast for the T-6! |
Unfortunately the weather on showday was about
the weirdest we've ever had; no hard burning sun or soaking rain, but a
strange kind of mist that only very very slowly dissapeared...making this
edition the first one ever in the fog. Some participants had to cancell
due to the poor visibility, but many of our guests tried very hard to give
the public a good time. |
Up in the sky the weather was luckily much better and once
again we could capture some magic moments. Here we have the polished and
shiny B-25 Mitchell of Red Bull, they came to the airshow together with
the P-38 Lightning, Bo-105 and Corsair.
The Breitling Jet Team are very popular guests in Sanicole,
and for us it was a premiere: for the first time we had an entire fast jet
team posing for us behind the Skyvan...delicieux, merci Jacques! It requires
incredible skill and concentration from the pilots to bring the entire team
as one close formation behind us, the view was truly memorable. |
During all our photoflying adventures we were followed by
a cameracrew of national television, as we were a part of a docusoap they
produced on the TigerMeet. We also had the pleasure of having a véry
special guest with us that week....the iconic pioneer of air-to-air photography,
Katsu Tokunaga himself! He flew 8 times with us, it sure was an incredible
experience seeing the master at work. We were also able to take quite a
number of guestphotographers with us, giving them the same unique opportunity
to photograph aviation from it's most exciting side...in the air! |
The phenomenal Blades flew a complete private airshow behind
the Skyvan, in a blue sky just over the clouds...what more can you ask for!
And thanks again guys for the very nice surprise for my birthday ;) |
Another incredible airshow was flown for us by 'Spout' in
the Dutch classic Hunter, man what a show was that...sometimes everything
is just perfect and this was again one of those moments. The Hunter is already
a very photogenic aircraft, but presented it to us like a real star! The
airshow was concluded by the Patrouille Suisse, an effort started by Sanicole
30 years ago! All this time we had to wait and sometimes the dreams do come
true as the famous Swiss team finally gave a very appreciated display over
our little airfield. And the two passes under the Skyvan were just another
highlight! |
And don't ever leave the Sanicole Airshow without
going to the party....we can say a lot about it, but just go, you'll see
;-) |
We end this report with the big thank you part: if we had
to find some words for everybody who has contributed to the airshow we would
need a lot of extra space...so thank you all 1000 times for all the incredible
moments, on the ground and in the air. Many thanks to our photopilots Jerome
in the Yak-52, Hanno in the T-6 and Tony in the ever popular Skyvan. We'll
count the days to number 34! For the first time Sanicole will host an extra
sunset airshow on Friday the 17th of September...hmmmz another great challenge
for our PhotoCrew. |